We would like to present the studio performance of [summer], a song I wanted to cover since eleanor was first formed.
To the people of Miami,
to the adults who still love this once at a time hit,
to those who love a good melody,
and to the members of Nuclear Valdez, we devote this song.
Since we wanted to express the qualities of this distinctive song in a straightforward way, we haven’t done any elaborate arranging.
Slight arranges were left to the sensitivity and interpretation of each member.
By the way, the other members of eleanor besides myself listened for the first time, with this opportunity to cover the song.
The lyrics to this song are profound and moving.
It tells us that there is a summer that differs from a summer free and unrestrained, pleasant, and without any care.
We hope that the meaning connoted in the lyrics, will be conveyed through our playing to all listeners.
It was much fun performing the song.
All our thanks, Nuclear Valdez.